Vetyver Fragrance


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Neiman Marcus是美国以经营奢侈品为主的连锁高端百货商店,已有100多年历史,也是海淘热门商家之一。尼曼的美妆护肤品类相对齐全,是和Saks齐名的海淘护肤美妆首选网站,他们两家基本上就是谁家有折扣谁家价格就更有优势。另外他们家也汇集了Burberry 、Celine 、Jean Paul Gaultier 、Juicy Couture 、YSL 、Vera Wang等世界顶级的时装名牌的产品,基本涵盖了大部分的海淘热门品牌。和Saks一样,他们家唯一的问题就是海淘门槛略高,不能直邮中国需要用到转运,但仍然强力推荐,他们家支持国内双币信用卡,用转运被砍单的几率相对比较低,值得收藏关注。
As seen in InStyle magazine (September 2010 issue, p406).
- Fresh, free, ripe, and clean.
Vetyver mixes the distinctive masculine energy with a bold and independent femininity. It is the essence of individuality and forward-thinking attitude.
The inspiration: Bright, sparkling, and cool, Vetyver reveals a personal love story between Sylvie Chantecaille and the men whom she's loved and admired. "My father always wore it, and my husband wears it now," she says. "For a woman to wear it, it has always been such a bold choice. It's a scent with a long history, one that I wanted to explore in a fresh, more modern way."
Hence, in this new chapter of Vetyver, Chantecaille explores the balance between masculine and feminine. "It is essentially the scent of a very cool, chic man that I've interpreted for an utterly modern and confident woman," Chantecaille says. Imagine that relaxed elegance and confidence of Katharine Hepburn in a beautifully tailored suitVetyver is infinitely chic and optimistic.
The scent: An exotic grass native to Haiti and Indonesia whose roots yield a fragrant, earthy scent, Vetyver is often incorporated as a key ingredient in unisex fragrances. This clean, dry, subtly woody scent is punctuated by the pine-like Juniper. Brighter notes of Citron, Pepper, Nutmeg, and Bergamot lighten Vetyver's bold heart, adding a cozy warmth matched by an invigorating freshness. Spicy, unexpectedly sexy hints of Musk and Sandalwood give Vetyver an alluring quality that is deeply feminine and casually sophisticated.
Top Notes: Citron, Pepper, Nutmeg, and Bergamot
Middle Notes: Vetyver
Bottom Notes: Musk and Sandalwood
Key ingredients:Citron (zesty, cool, citrus); Nutmeg (exotic, spicy, woody, warmth); Pepper (fresh, invigorating, almost effervescent); Vetyver (dry, earthy, smoky, exotic, and contemporary).
2.5 oz.