Neiman Marcus US
Chantecaille Nano Gold Firming Treatment, 1.7 oz.
Nano Gold Firming Treatment, 1.7 oz.


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Neiman Marcus是美国以经营奢侈品为主的连锁高端百货商店,已有100多年历史,也是海淘热门商家之一。尼曼的美妆护肤品类相对齐全,是和Saks齐名的海淘护肤美妆首选网站,他们两家基本上就是谁家有折扣谁家价格就更有优势。另外他们家也汇集了Burberry 、Celine 、Jean Paul Gaultier 、Juicy Couture 、YSL 、Vera Wang等世界顶级的时装名牌的产品,基本涵盖了大部分的海淘热门品牌。和Saks一样,他们家唯一的问题就是海淘门槛略高,不能直邮中国需要用到转运,但仍然强力推荐,他们家支持国内双币信用卡,用转运被砍单的几率相对比较低,值得收藏关注。
- These targeted smoothing results created by Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 and Palimtoyl Dipeptide-5 contain Matrikines, which are peptidic cell messengers, that stimulate the production of Collagen, Fibronectin, and Hyaluronic Acid.
- These Matrikines also activate the repair genes in skin healing.
Global research continues to explore and prove the powerful effects of Nano Gold* in both medicine and skincare for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
- Nano 24k Gold is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-aging, and energizing.
- Biotechnologically produced Microalgae Dunaliella Salina reloads the skin with new energy by stimulating ATP (energy) levels and protecting the mitochondria.
- As we age skin stem cells die. Swiss Apple Uttwiler Spatlauber stem cells trigger the skin's own stem cell's ability for infinite regeneration and DNA repair.
- This endangered apple species, famous for resisting oxidation and wrinkling over many months, was the perfect candidate to develop stem cell technology.
The unique Moisture Matrix is a web-like structure that retains water and improves skin's immediate moisture retention and balance.
- Moisture release is customized depending on pH levels, surface moisture, and temperature of the skin for a full 24 hours.
- Super hydrating botanicals: Imperata Cylindrica Root extract, Linden Tree, and Sodium Hyaluronate maintain maximum moisture.
- Vitamin A & E, White Tea extract and Co-Enzyme Q10, protect from free radicals and help maintain healthy skin.
- Lychee Chinensis and Vitamin C Ester protect from the negative effects of UVA and UVB radiation therefore protecting against photo-aging and lighten and brighten the skin.
1.7 fl. oz./ 50.3 mL