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  • Accu Fitness LLC ACCU-MEASURE® FITNESS 3000 Personal Body Fat Tester

Accu Fitness LLC ACCU-MEASURE® FITNESS 3000 Personal Body Fat Tester

¥116.42 可获得¥8.15返利
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Documented Accuracy...a clinical study published in the Journal of Strength andConditioning Research by the National Strength & Conditioning Association andindependently funded by EAS showed that:
  • Self-testing of % body fat with the Accu-Measure® was as accurate as results from multi-site measurements and calculations taken by an experienced clinical investigator using a Lange caliper.
  • % body fat calculations with theAccu-Measure® were within 1.1 percentagepoints of under water weighing results, thegold standard of body fat measurement.

  • Download a complete copy of this study directlyfrom the AccuFitness web site at www.accufitness.com/study.pdf
  • Measure your own body fat easily and accurately!
  • Recommended in Body for LIFE
  • Easy to read measurements slides and stops at correct reading
  • Feel and hear the patented CLICK for superior accuracy and reliability
  • Clinically proven accuracy
  • No dangerous or electronic current or false readings
  • Easy to use-by yourself-on one convenient site
  • Monitor your fat loss in seconds in the privacy of your home
  • So easy to use just Pinch it, Click it, and Read it

  • Get fit with these other products distributed by AccuFitness:
  • FatTrack® GOLD Digital Body Fat Caliper
  • FatTrack® PRO Digital Body Fat Management System
  • Accu-Measure® FitKid Caliper for Children
  • Composition Tracker Body Fat Tracking Software
  • HYDRYX® Hard-Core Workout Towel and Sweatbands
  • Myo Tape® Body Tape Measures
  • BOA 2000 Hi-Speed Jump Ropes
  • Measurement Tips for the Accu-Measure® Caliper
  • Take all measurements on the right side of the body.
  • Measurements should not be taken on broken, damaged or unhealthy skin.
  • To grab the skinfold easily and correctly,make sure that your skin is dry and lotion free.
  • If you are obese, it is not recommended to take skinfold measurements. It is often useful to take measurements with tape measures such as theMyoTape Body Tape Measure available at www.accufitness.com.
  • Do not take measurements after physical activity or when you are overheated. The added fluid under the skin may increase skinfold thickness.
  • Always use the same Accu-Measure caliper, and take the readings at the same time of day, for consistent monitoring of body composition changes.
  • If you are female, avoid measuring during the menstrual cycle when there is significant ornoticeable weight gain.
  • Experience is necessary to consistently graspthe correct size skinfold in the correct location.Practice until you get consistent results.

    * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • 营养成分



    Since the majority of fat on the body is located directly under the skin, a very effi cient and practical way to measure your body fat percentage is skinfold measurement - the scientific approach to the time-honored “pinch an inch” method and themost tried and trusted method of measuring body fat. The Accu-Measure caliper is designed to make this a very simple and accurate procedure that you can perform on yourself privately (or have someone perform for you, whichever you prefer).Although skinfold measurement is technically simple to learn and perform, take some time to familiarize yourself with the correct procedure.

    How to Take an Accurate Accu-Measure® Personal Body Fat Caliper Reading

    1. The site you will use for skinfold measurement is the suprailliac, which is located approximately one inch above the point of your right hipbone. To find the suprailliac, put your left index finger on the point of your right hipbone and move up one inch (see fi gure 1).
    2. Make sure the slide on the curved part of the Accu-Measure caliper is moved all theway to the right. Place the Accu-Measure caliper in your right hand.
    3. While standing, with your fi ngers about 2-3 inches apart, fi rmly grasp the suprailliacskinfold between the thumb and index finger of your left hand. Gently pull the skinfold away fromyour body. Pull the skin and underlying fat away from the muscle tissue (see figures 2 and 3).Note: If the site contains a large amount of fat, you will need to increase the distance betweenyour thumb and index fi nger in order to grasp and pull the fold. Be sure to grasp the skinfolddirectly on the skin - not through clothing.
    4. With the Accu-Measure in your right hand, place the Accu-Measure jaws over the skinfoldabout 1/4 of an inch from your left thumb and forefinger (see figures 4 and 5). The caliperheads should be halfway between the crest and base of the fold, right in the middle of the fold(see figure 4). The caliper must be perpendicular to the skinfold.
    5. While continuing to hold the skinfold with the left hand, press with the thumb where indicated on the Accu-Measure until you feel a slight “CLICK.” The measurement slide will automatically move across the measurement arm and stop at the correct reading. Immediately stop pinching when you feel and hear the “CLICK.”Release the jaws of the Accu-Measure and read and record your measurement to the nearest millimeter.Return the slide member to the far right starting position so it is in place for your next measurement.
    6. Once you have taken one reading, take another measurement. If the second reading is morethan 1mm apart from your fi rst reading, take another measurement, and record the reading when it becomes most consistent.
    7. Refer to the appropriate MALE or FEMALE Body Fat Measurement Chart to determine your body fat percentage at the intersection of your age and millimeter reading.


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