Neiman Marcus US
Dior Sauvage Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz.
Sauvage Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz.


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Neiman Marcus是美国以经营奢侈品为主的连锁高端百货商店,已有100多年历史,也是海淘热门商家之一。尼曼的美妆护肤品类相对齐全,是和Saks齐名的海淘护肤美妆首选网站,他们两家基本上就是谁家有折扣谁家价格就更有优势。另外他们家也汇集了Burberry 、Celine 、Jean Paul Gaultier 、Juicy Couture 、YSL 、Vera Wang等世界顶级的时装名牌的产品,基本涵盖了大部分的海淘热门品牌。和Saks一样,他们家唯一的问题就是海淘门槛略高,不能直邮中国需要用到转运,但仍然强力推荐,他们家支持国内双币信用卡,用转运被砍单的几率相对比较低,值得收藏关注。
A radically fresh composition, dictated by a name that has the ring of a manifesto.
That was the way François Demachy, Dior Perfumer-Creator, wanted it: raw and noble all at once.
Natural ingredients, selected with extreme care, prevail in excessive doses.
Radiant top notes burst with the juicy freshness of Reggio di Calabria Bergamot. Ambroxan, derived from precious ambergris, unleashes a powerfully woody trail.
Sauvage is an act of creation inspired by wide-open spaces. An ozone blue sky sprawled above a rocky landscape, white-hot beneath the desert sun.
To create Sauvage, I used man as my starting point. A strong and unmistakable masculinity. Like the image of a man who transcends time and fashion. ~ François Demachy, Dior Perfumer-Creator
TOP NOTE: Reggio Bergamot
François Demachy likes the top notes of his men's fragrances to carry the snap of citrus. For the House of Dior, he chose an exclusive Bergamot that he shaped with local producers to obtain a "custom" signature. His Bergamot is like a whirlwind of juicy freshness that sweeps everything up in its path. Drenched in the Calabrian sun, it is fruitier and develops unique, zesty facets with a tinge of pepper.
HEART NOTE: Sichuan Pepper
Sichuan Pepper is the finest in the world, releasing a spicy vibration with lemony and slightly camphoric accents.
BASE NOTE: Ambroxan
An ingredient of natural origin derived from the very precious ambergris, it unfurls its marine woody notes, as vivifying as the ocean spray. With the subtle attraction of sun-bleached driftwood, it plays and lingers, like tobacco-imbued background music that never fades. And leaves a distinguished trail.
3.4 fl. oz.
That was the way François Demachy, Dior Perfumer-Creator, wanted it: raw and noble all at once.
Natural ingredients, selected with extreme care, prevail in excessive doses.
Radiant top notes burst with the juicy freshness of Reggio di Calabria Bergamot. Ambroxan, derived from precious ambergris, unleashes a powerfully woody trail.
Sauvage is an act of creation inspired by wide-open spaces. An ozone blue sky sprawled above a rocky landscape, white-hot beneath the desert sun.
To create Sauvage, I used man as my starting point. A strong and unmistakable masculinity. Like the image of a man who transcends time and fashion. ~ François Demachy, Dior Perfumer-Creator
TOP NOTE: Reggio Bergamot
François Demachy likes the top notes of his men's fragrances to carry the snap of citrus. For the House of Dior, he chose an exclusive Bergamot that he shaped with local producers to obtain a "custom" signature. His Bergamot is like a whirlwind of juicy freshness that sweeps everything up in its path. Drenched in the Calabrian sun, it is fruitier and develops unique, zesty facets with a tinge of pepper.
HEART NOTE: Sichuan Pepper
Sichuan Pepper is the finest in the world, releasing a spicy vibration with lemony and slightly camphoric accents.
BASE NOTE: Ambroxan
An ingredient of natural origin derived from the very precious ambergris, it unfurls its marine woody notes, as vivifying as the ocean spray. With the subtle attraction of sun-bleached driftwood, it plays and lingers, like tobacco-imbued background music that never fades. And leaves a distinguished trail.
3.4 fl. oz.