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  • Dermalogica Skin Kit - Normal/Dry (5 Products)

Dermalogica Skin Kit - Normal/Dry (5 Products)

¥270.17 可获得¥24.32返利
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Lookfantastic成立于1996年,是英国知名护肤品电商,也是热门海淘网站之一,和Skinstore同属于The Hut集团旗下。拥有超过400个品牌14,000多种商品,涵盖美妆,护肤,护发,香水等各类美护用品。lookfantastic比较主打的知名品牌包括:Chantecaille(香缇卡), Clarins(娇韵诗), Clarisonic(科莱丽), Jurlique(茱莉蔻), Benefit(贝玲妃)等。Lookfantastic网站用户体验极佳,直邮中国并支持支付宝结算,收货地址可直接输入中文,下单后一般1-2周送达。


This Dermalogica Skin Kit for Normal/Dry skin contains a variety of travel sized treats for your normal to dry skin to ensure you get well balanced and hydrated skin wherever you go.

This pack is perfect for the first time user to trial this range of amazing products for Normal/Dry skin. With cleanser, toner, exfoliant, face cream and lip treatment this Dermalogica Skin Kit gives you a full beauty regime designed for your skins specific needs.

This kit contains the following 5 products:


  • Dermalogica Multi-active Toner - 50ml
    Spritz on critical hydration with this refreshing blend of skin-repairing aloe, moisture-binding humectants plus soothing lavender, balm mint and arnica.
  • Dermalogica Skin Smoothing Cream – 22ml
    Smooth your fine dehydration lines and relieve tightness with this great cream. It helps to maintain your skin's moisture and improve its texture whilst toning and restoring suppleness.


  • Dermalogica Gentle Cream Exfoliant - 10ml
    Get dramatically improved skin smoothness in just 10 minutes. Fruit enzymes detach dead skin debris helping to stimulate skin renewal. This exfoliant is always amongst the beauty editors favourite products.


  • Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel – 50ml
    This is a soap-free, foaming gel designed to thoroughly remove excess oils and impurities without drying the skin and is therefore recommended for all skin types. Cleanse away dirt without leaving your skin feeling tight or dry.


  • Dermalogica Intensive Eye Repair - 4ml
    This ultra rich Dermalogica Intensive Eye Repair cream will help repair prematurely ageing skin whilst smoothing away fine dehydration lines around your delicate eye area.


  • Dermalogica PreCleanse - Sample
    Introduce yourself to the professional's deep cleansing weapon!


  • Dermalogica Skin Hydrating Masque - Sample
    Restore critical moisture to stressed skin with Dermalogica Skin Hydrating Masque, a refreshing, oil-free gel masque of calming botanicals and antioxidant vitamins.


  • Dermalogica
  • Body Therapy
  • 5 Products
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