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  • Hydrea London  - Walnut Wood Bath Brush

Hydrea London - Walnut Wood Bath Brush

¥162.01 可获得¥14.58返利
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Beautifully sculpted from strong and polished walnut wood, the ergonomic design of the Hydréa London Oval Walnut Bath Brush makes it ideal for bathing and spa use. Perfectly designed for long reach use with the smoothly curved detachable handle.

The Hydréa London Oval Walnut Bath Brush with its unique contoured brush head and woven hand strap is perfectly designed to fit the hand for firm brushing. This contemporary body brush will complement the most stylish of bathrooms and is the simple and natural way to improve your energy and wellbeing.

Brushing with the Hydréa London Oval Walnut Bath Brush stimulates the lymphatic system to remove toxins and help reduce the appearance of cellulite, while stimulating blood circulation to encourage cell renewal. The exfoliation action removes dead skin cells and prevents in growing hairs leaving your skin smooth and fresh. A regular gentle brushing routine will leave your body youthful and radiant from the inside out.

Directions of Use:

  • The dry skin brushing routine is best carried out before a bath or shower.
  • To brush your skin, start at the soles of your feet & work your way up your legs, front & your back, brushing vigorously as you feel able.
  • Then do your hands & up your arms.
  • When doing your chest & upper back, focus the strokes towards your heart.
  • Your skin may feel tender at first , but if you continue to brush your skin on a daily basis, you will soon feel the benefits of healthy, glowing skin.
  • Can also be used for wet body brushing in the bath and shower.
  • Do not use on sensitive areas (i.e. face & throat) or on broken skin.
  • After use rinse well and use the hanging strap to air dry naturally.


  • Hydrea London
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