Astara Daily Refining Scrub
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Gentle, non-damaging, very finely grained cleansing exfoliator. Safely removes dead surface cells, dirt and debris from face without damaging pores or fine capillaries. Softens, smoothes and refines skin's appearance and has natural antiseptic properties. Stimulates circulation and prepares skin to better absorb nutrients and moisture from other Astara product application that follows. Gives immediate results. For all skin types, teens to mature adults, women and men. Especially beneficial for dry and aging skin, acne prone skin, and age-prevention.
Voted Editor's Favorite by Allure and Her World magazines.Precautions:
Scrubbing excessively oily skin may stimulate more oil secretion. Oily skin types should use scrub 1X a day every other day. Use on active problem skin may be irritating. Scrubbing may irritate some sensitive skins. Avoid use on skin with capillary damage.
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