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  • Me Clear Spot Treatment Device for Blemish - Prone Skin
  • Me Clear Spot Treatment Device for Blemish - Prone Skin
  • Me Clear Spot Treatment Device for Blemish - Prone Skin
  • Me Clear Spot Treatment Device for Blemish - Prone Skin
  • Me Clear Spot Treatment Device for Blemish - Prone Skin

Me Clear Spot Treatment Device for Blemish - Prone Skin

¥405.26 7.0折 可获得¥36.47返利
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Lookfantastic成立于1996年,是英国知名护肤品电商,也是热门海淘网站之一,和Skinstore同属于The Hut集团旗下。拥有超过400个品牌14,000多种商品,涵盖美妆,护肤,护发,香水等各类美护用品。lookfantastic比较主打的知名品牌包括:Chantecaille(香缇卡), Clarins(娇韵诗), Clarisonic(科莱丽), Jurlique(茱莉蔻), Benefit(贝玲妃)等。Lookfantastic网站用户体验极佳,直邮中国并支持支付宝结算,收货地址可直接输入中文,下单后一般1-2周送达。


Treat spot-prone skin to the Me Clear Spot Treatment Device, a rechargeable, anti-blemish device that utilises blue LED light and patented tri-action technology to banish breakouts without dryness or irritation.

Working to heal and eliminate blemishes whilst preventing future flare-ups, the device combines blue LED light with sonic vibration and gentle warming to get to work instantly. The LED light targets the skin's surface to destroy P.acnes bacteria; the sonic vibration boosts microcirculation to ease inflammation and gently agitate the skin to expose bacteria to the spot-banishing light; and excess light energy provides a gentle warming sensation that helps open pores to target more bacteria.

Portable for on-the-go convenience, the 2-minute treatment will help clear your skin with visible results.

Clinical Results:
After 1 treatment, 19% of blemishes were reduced.
After 2 treatments, 77% of blemishes improved or completely resolved.
After 3 treatments within a 24 hour period, 87% of blemishes were improved or resolved.
The first signs of improvement were noticed as early as a few hours following the first session of treatment.

Safe and effective for all skin types.


  • Me
  • 1. Prepare skin for treatment by cleansing your skin to remove makeup or creams that may contain reflective materials.
    2. Active device by pressing the grey button. You will hear a short audible beep and battery indicator lights will signal the activation of clear.
    3. Treat your skin simply by holding the device steady over your blemish. Ensure you maintain full contact between the treatment surface area and your skin, while sonic vibration and blue light are delivered. Treat until you hear a single audible beep (2 minutes). For best results, treat your blemish 3 times a day with the clear device.
    4. After treatment apply your favourite non-comedogenic skincare products.

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