Neiman Marcus US
Dior Snow Micro-Infused Lotion, 200 mL
Snow Micro-Infused Lotion, 200 mL


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Neiman Marcus是美国以经营奢侈品为主的连锁高端百货商店,已有100多年历史,也是海淘热门商家之一。尼曼的美妆护肤品类相对齐全,是和Saks齐名的海淘护肤美妆首选网站,他们两家基本上就是谁家有折扣谁家价格就更有优势。另外他们家也汇集了Burberry 、Celine 、Jean Paul Gaultier 、Juicy Couture 、YSL 、Vera Wang等世界顶级的时装名牌的产品,基本涵盖了大部分的海淘热门品牌。和Saks一样,他们家唯一的问题就是海淘门槛略高,不能直邮中国需要用到转运,但仍然强力推荐,他们家支持国内双币信用卡,用转运被砍单的几率相对比较低,值得收藏关注。
The Diorsnow Brightening Light-Activating Micro-infused Lotion is the 1st brightening moisturizing lotion* enriched with Edelweiss & microcapsules of soothing vitamin E.
As the lotion fuses into the skin, the microcapsules melt like snowflakes in the spring, fusing into the ultra-fresh, gel-liquid texture to release their active ingredients. The skin is instantly softer, suppler and naturally more radiant. Day after day, spots and shadow areas are diminished revealing a fresh rosy skin, that appears illuminated from the inside.
Naturally Fresh, Luminous Results after 1 month**:
**Test: self-assessment, % of agreement, 60 Chinese women after 1 month of use.
How It Works:
THE EXCEPTIONAL BRIGHTENING POWER OF THE EDELWEISS FROM DIOR GARDENS. Skin evenness and colour are determined by a pigment known as melanin. With aging and repeated sunlight exposure, the undesirable sallow colour of melanin spreads all over the skin, altering its evenness. Over time, melanin also becomes darker, damaging the natural skin colour. Dior researchers have discovered that Edelweiss extract from the Dior Gardens in Switzerland interferes in this process and can diminish, correct and prevent the creation of dark spots deep down. Preventive action against spots deep inside the skin is one of the most effective ways to achieve lasting efficacy on skin evenness and colour correction.
THE DIOR GARDEN IN SWITZERLAND. Edelweiss is cultivated at the heart of the Valais Garden in Switzerland at an altitude of 1,100 m. In this beautiful but hostile environment, temperatures can drop until -10°C while UV intensity is extreme, heavily reflected by the eternal snows. All the conditions are gathered for Edelweiss to develop the finest flowers, naturally and in the greatest respect of the environment.
How To Apply:
Apply to your perfectly cleansed face in the morning and night to prime for subsequently applied skincare.
200 mL / 6.7 fl. oz.
As the lotion fuses into the skin, the microcapsules melt like snowflakes in the spring, fusing into the ultra-fresh, gel-liquid texture to release their active ingredients. The skin is instantly softer, suppler and naturally more radiant. Day after day, spots and shadow areas are diminished revealing a fresh rosy skin, that appears illuminated from the inside.
Naturally Fresh, Luminous Results after 1 month**:
- 97%: the skin is more luminous
- 97%: the skin is more radiant
- 93%: the skin is like illuminated from the inside
- 100%: the skin is more nourished
- 100%: the skin is replumped
- 97%: the skin is suppler
- 93%: the skin is more homogeneous
- 98%: the skin is purified
- 92%: the skin is more transparent
**Test: self-assessment, % of agreement, 60 Chinese women after 1 month of use.
How It Works:
THE EXCEPTIONAL BRIGHTENING POWER OF THE EDELWEISS FROM DIOR GARDENS. Skin evenness and colour are determined by a pigment known as melanin. With aging and repeated sunlight exposure, the undesirable sallow colour of melanin spreads all over the skin, altering its evenness. Over time, melanin also becomes darker, damaging the natural skin colour. Dior researchers have discovered that Edelweiss extract from the Dior Gardens in Switzerland interferes in this process and can diminish, correct and prevent the creation of dark spots deep down. Preventive action against spots deep inside the skin is one of the most effective ways to achieve lasting efficacy on skin evenness and colour correction.
THE DIOR GARDEN IN SWITZERLAND. Edelweiss is cultivated at the heart of the Valais Garden in Switzerland at an altitude of 1,100 m. In this beautiful but hostile environment, temperatures can drop until -10°C while UV intensity is extreme, heavily reflected by the eternal snows. All the conditions are gathered for Edelweiss to develop the finest flowers, naturally and in the greatest respect of the environment.
How To Apply:
Apply to your perfectly cleansed face in the morning and night to prime for subsequently applied skincare.
200 mL / 6.7 fl. oz.