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  • Pink Petal Roses Solar Salt Mineral Bath

Pink Petal Roses Solar Salt Mineral Bath

¥226.5 可获得¥2.27返利
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Saks Fifth Avenue(萨克斯第五大道精品百货店)成立于1824年,是全球一家知名的百货公司,同时也是海淘热门网站之一。Burberry, Rebecca Taylor, Fendi, Marc Jacobs, Estee Lauder, La Mer等众多热门品牌在Saks Fifth Avenue网站上款式齐全价格合理。Saks网站对于海淘新手来说有一定的下单门槛,因为他们家不支持直邮中国,需要用到转运。但他们家最大的优势在于品类和产品款式齐全,尤其是美妆品类,容易断货的热门款在他们家一般都能买到,而且价格也相对有优势,值得关注。使用国卡下单时,请注意billing address填写国内真实住址,拼音即可,可以最大限度防止砍单。
Use these hand-made solar salts in the bath to create a high vibration herbal treatment that bathes the senses and the body in fragrant roses and the healing minerals of hand-harvested sea salts. Use a handful in a hot water bath to create a detoxifying mineral soak to ignite the spirits, relieve aching muscles, or to create a steam bath to decongest and open pores for detoxification and relaxation. No animal testing. Non-Comedogenic. Paraben-free. 16 oz. Made in USA.
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